
Sunday, 1 March 2015

Four weeks to go... uh oh...

ARRRGGGHHH!  Only four weeks to go before the convention, and my weekends are already too busy (glances guiltily at the unmarked SACs in the corner).  But I really want to finish my dragon (not to mention make the rest of the costume!) so I got stuck in this weekend to try and finish him off.

Here's the side view- as you can tell, I've not put the front legs on yet!
Front legs are on and you can see he has ears and a face
I think I'm on the home stretch now, I just need to make some ears wings (which are basically slightly bigger ears).  He's not got the range of movement that I really wanted (while he can nod well, it's very hard to get him to turn his head side to side).

I also tried to make a 'leather' apron for Lady Sybil to wear but.. well the less said, the better right now. I've not experienced the joy of sewing vinyl in a machine before and while I tried a few tricks, they are not helping right now.  I'm leaning towards ignoring seam details and just hand sew the string/ neck band on and calling it good enough.  And I have no idea about the rest of the costume, too little time, no great ideas.  ARRRGGHH!

Oh, and I've been told that some people (hi Mum!) are having issues with commenting.  Sorry- I've tried playing with the settings available to see if that helps but I would rather not have it anonymous as I end up playing spam filter to poorly worded advertising posts.

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