
Sunday, 20 April 2014

Happy Easter everyone!

Happy Easter everyone!  This is another post I've had to sit on until Easter because I wanted to keep it a surprise from my family (particularly my Mum, who is one of the few readers of this blog- hi Mum!).

I finally got myself organised at the end of the first week of holidays to get my Easter eggs bought.  I went with a few little assorted eggs, partly because the large packs you can find are often very expensive for very little chocolate, and partly because the chocolate inside is often rather boring, as printing on cardboard is cheaper to make than making fancy eggs.

But how to hold these eggs?  There are cute little baskets around but they are often very expensive for something that is used only long enough to hold the chocolate and then disposed of.  So, since I am currently on a bit of a crochet kick, and since crochet is a fast craft (at least compared to knitting), I googled for crochet baskets to see what I could come up with.

I ended up making my baskets based on this pattern, that I found on Crochet Spot.  Scrounging through my wool pile, I found the left over balls of acrylic yarn I had from making Noel the Gnome.  Changing colours every other row or so means that they kind of sort of have the look of half Easter eggs.  That's the logic I'm going with, anyway.  By the fourth basket I had run out of a few colours, but I am happy enough with the results.

I've been able to fill them with a nice amount of chocolate (with a bit of quality testing as I worked- I can't give my family bad chocolate, after all!). If I was feeling more energetic or evil, a fun idea would be to then crochet up further to A) make an egg shape and B) make it really hard to get the eggs out.  But that would be mean.  Besides, I ran out of yarn. :P

Happy Easter!

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