
Sunday, 9 February 2014

Heat wave!

What do you do when the temperature is 44 - 46°C (and cooling to a balmy 30°C overnight) for over a week?  Well my solution was to hide myself away in my house with only two rooms to live in so the air conditioner could (mostly) keep up.

Of course I needed something to do in this time and so I put together this quilt top.  

One heat wave's worth of work!

The quilt is one that I bought as a quilt kit from a craft fair some time ago.  However, it was a funny size- bit bigger than a single bed but way too small for a double bed.  I wanted to make it bigger and so the easiest way, given the simple design, was to add an extra row and an extra column.  That meant more material, and I fluked some perfect material at a market on a recent holiday to Canberra!It isn't totally done yet- I need to decide if I add a sashing around (and need to go shopping for said sashing).  And since the kit did come with enough black material for the backing only for me to use it up making those extra rows, I also need to get some black material and batting- time to check out the patchwork shop around the corner.Extra bonus- here's a pretty sunset from my Canberra holiday.

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