
Sunday 23 February 2014

Discworld cross stitch pattern

This is a project that has been on the back burner for more than the life of one computer- when I found my save file of my work in progress I had to search for software to install to finish it up!

Back when I was trying some miniature petit point pieces, I showed you a Discworldy piece I did on blue silk.  Well for the zero's of people who then contacted me about it, here's the pattern I created to make it.  Two versions since some prefer colour charts, while others prefer black and white charts.

Usual disclaimer too- I am not Terry Pratchett and therefore I don't own Discworld in any way, shape or form.  These are for fellow geeky fanart creators, not for anyone to make a buck off.
Mock up to get a feel for what it will look like

And if you do want to mount this into a broach fitting, then a useful tip is to make a paper template the right size to fit inside and use this to cut the cardboard backing that you wrap your embroidery around.
Green paper is my template, used to cut
the card to the right shape for the fitting

Can't show you a picture of the finished product- silly me forgot to do so before sending it only to my secret hogfather giftee on the Discworld forum.


  1. Thanks! Very nice. My aging eyes are amazed at the tiny petit point brooch!

  2. As I discovered, magnifying glasses are important, along with good light. Plus only doing a little at a time- I've not gone back to petit point again yet. Of course part of that is due to me having a shorter attention span for any given project than a ... ooh, there's a butterfly!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes they are (oops I thought I'd said- my bad).

  4. I however, do have a license to produce cross stitch Discworld designs. Visit me at Enjoy!

  5. At this moment I am embarking on this project to later, if succesfull, to put it on a skirt with a lot of other fandom stuff. THanks for the pattern because it is lovely!

  6. That sounds awesome! I'd love to see a picture when you get it done!

    1. The embroidery piece is finally finished!

      I used very different colours, so it looks a bit weird, but overall I can say you made a brilliant pattern. Very nice work :) Might try to make it again in the future and use the right colours that time.

    2. It looks great! I am stoked to see my little pattern out in the wild!


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