
Sunday, 26 January 2014

I've made a quilt!

Many moons ago I started a quilt.  This is a brand new craft for me because looking around my tiny unit, I thought what I really needed was another craft!

Well I've been slowly plugging away at in off and on, and I'm happy to say it's finally done- including quilting and binding it (which I was going to do using this great method I found only to goof and sew the binding on the wrong side first so I had to hand stitch the binding instead.  D'oh!

Overall I think I'm pleased.  I can see flaws, particularly in the quilting where stitches are not all the exact same size (free motion quilting is not easy!) but it's not too bad. Plus it's nice to see the difference in the first square I quilted (the middle one) and the last ones.  If you were thinking of getting into quilting, I think this was a great way to learn some different techniques to see what things you enjoy for future projects.

Front of the quilt- if you look closely you can see the patch borders are sometimes different widths to fix the different patch sizes.  I like to call this a unique style feature :P
Back of the quilt.  I liked the idea of the back not being a boring single bit of material, plus it meant I could use fabric I already had since I didn't have any one piece of material big enough to form the back.
I've been making the most of the last of my holidays (plus it's been too hot to do anything productive outside!) so this is the first of a couple of posts that I've got queued up.  I'm aiming for a once a week schedule until I run out of things to post about (unless you want to read about my exciting stories of marking once school's back).

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