
Saturday 22 December 2012

Christmas treats

For those paying attention, it has been a VERY long time since I last posted.  Sadly work takes a lot of my time.  But now school holidays are here and I have several weeks to procrastinate on fun things before realising that the pile of work I brought home has not magically marked itself.

I do have a few things in the works but this week has been taken up by lots of Christmas cooking.  So happy Christmas to all and help yourself to a virtual goodie.  Clockwise from 12 we have blueberry friand slice (using fresh blueberries I bought from a market this morning), mini Christmas puddings (recipe below), Chocolate truffles, gingerbread melted snowmen (instructions found through my recent discovery of Pinterest!) and finally some white chocolate and berry truffles that I kind of invented/adapted from the chocolate truffle recipe. 

For my family members who read this blog, there is now no surprises for Christmas nibbles but for those who I will not be seeing on Christmas day, here are a few recipes for you to make your own.  Particularly useful I hope for those who held off cooking in case the world ended and made the effort wasted!

Mini Christmas puddings


One tin of Christmas pudding
approx 30g White chocolate
1 tblsp Copha, vegetable shortening (optional)
Glace cherries

Take the Christmas pudding and crumble it up into a large bowl.  Add several tablespoons of bandy and mix.  There should be enough moisture to allow you to roll the pudding into small balls (about 1.5 cm diameter or whatever you prefer).  Place in fridge for at least 20 min.
Melt white chocolate, if it is still thick (because I used chocolate chips mine was) add a small amount of copha to thin the mix.  Spoon over the top of the pudding.  Before the pudding sets, place two small pieces of green cherry and one of red.  Refrigerate until top has set.

White Chocolate and Berry Truffles


200g white chocolate
70g dried blueberries
2 egg yolks
Cherry brandy or normal brandy
dessicated coconut (enough to coat)

Grate the chocolate and place in a large bowl with blueberries.  Add egg and brandy and mix.  Mixture should be moist and able to be rolled into small balls.  If too dry, add more brandy, if too wet add some coconut.
Roll the mixture into small balls, then roll the balls in coconut until coated.  Refrigerate until firm.

Have a great Christmas, Hogswatch or holiday of your choice.


  1. They look very yummy! Happy Holidays, Kel!

  2. Thank you, they are (quality control, scientific experiments needing replicates and all that!).

  3. This family member greatly looks forward to eating the treats. I expect it is still a surprise for everyone else.


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