
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Julliette update

I spent much of today working on my Julliette scarf.  It is basically made of lots of little granny squares of different sizes made from DMC Perle Coton that are then sewn together.  I made quite a few more squares and I also spent some time sewing some of those squares together- you can see from the picture below that leaving all the sewing to last would not be a fun idea.

Julliete scarf WIP
Besides, this way I can see how the progress is going and can see and appreciate all the pretty colours.  If I make the scarf to the original pattern size, it is currently about 20% complete. Looks like I have a lot more squares to crochet!


  1. That's looking beautiful already, Kel. Love the colours.

  2. Thank you! It's surprisingly hard to be random but not too random, both for making the squares and finding the right square to join at a given point. Particularly when some colours tend to dominate more than others. I have to resort to picking a ball of cotton without looking and the occasional veto of what random chance has given me.


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