
Thursday, 16 June 2011

The Story of George Too

George 2 by Kelshandra
George Too the Monkey
Back when my little nephew was about two, his mum (my sister) knitted a toy monkey for him. Not being an expert knitter this took her quite a while and she had to learn many new stitches and techniques in the process.  She finally finished it and proudly presented it to him only to find- that he ignored it.
However, her then two year old younger daughter loved it and George became a vital part of the family, particularly at bedtime.  But then one day the unthinkable happened- George went missing.  The search was long and extensive.  Multiple houses were checked to see if George had not been left at Grandma's house or at a friends.  Rooms were torn apart, all to the sad pleading cry of 'George?  Where's George?'.  But to no avail.  George was no where to be found.
Much crying ensued- the only respite my frazzled sister found was when she bought another kit and started making another.  But progress was slow and bedtime approached.
'Mummy, I want George'.
'You can't, George is lost'.
'No he isn't'.
'What?  Yes he is...'
Cue two year old getting up and heading to her brothers room and reaching behind an impossibly small gap and pulling out a slightly dusty George.
Surprisingly, I still have a niece :P  Cuteness must be a survival trait for small children for just this sort of situation.  But after that affair, when I saw a George kit going cheap in a shop, I thought it would be a good idea to make one myself- just in case!

The kit instructions were well written.  The yarn is interesting- a cotton acrylic blend I've not encountered before (and my wool stash is rather extensive!).  The biggest complaint I had was there was only just enough of the main colour- and that only because I made the legs two rows shorter than the instructions.
Oh, and my biggest advice?  Don't try stuffing the legs with a two and four year old watching as they will try and help, each grab a handful of stuffing bigger than George's head and then argue over who is going to put it in!
The George family
From left- original George, George Too and Jesse (who my niece insisted must be in the photo too!)

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